Your Challenges My Solutions

Your Challenges...
I coach individuals, teams and organisations at three levels of opportunity – leadership development, team effectiveness and organisational health. My work with some clients also extends beyond their professional endeavors to encompass whole life success.
We tackle your challenges by addressing what I call your Personal Capital Quotient©. PCQ© is the combination of three forms of ‘capital’, that is the stock of a renewable asset that can be drawn on to achieve goals – PsyCap, SocCap and PerfCap. By working with you to build sustainable PCQ©, my coaching is transformational and extends well beyond simply fixing current problems to realising lasting personal or organisational development.
Psychological Capital is the combination of internal resources that contribute to your personal well-being and success. It includes confidence, optimism, resilience, self-awareness, accountability and authenticity. Most of all, PsyCap is the ability to lead a purpose- and values-driven life.
Social Capital is how you consider and influence others. It’s about trust, effective communication, mutual respect, the ability to have difficult conversations, empathy, and how you lead and inspire. SocCap also includes the strength of your social network.
Performance Capital is your ability to create a compelling long-term vision, deliver short-term results, and strike the correct balance between the two. PerfCap includes strategic acumen, expertise in your field, decision-making and delegation skills, time management, and the courage to set ambitious targets and take risks.
The following questions highlight some of the most important elements of PCQ© for individuals and groups:
PsyCap. Does your life’s purpose have a direct connection with your day-to-day life? Can you depend on yourself to fulfill commitments you have made to yourself? Do you have a strong sense of well-being?
SocCap. Are you managing conflict well with family, friends and work colleagues? Do you seek first to understand before trying to get your point across? Do you have strong, trusting relationships and invest in them regularly?
PerfCap. Are all the realms of your life – from self development to physical fitness – receiving their due? Are you proud of the decisions you have made, your accomplishments and who you have become? Do you feel in control of your day? Are you facing big life changes with a clear way forward? Do you dream big?
PsyCap. Are you an authentic leader that stretches yourself whilst remaining faithful to your values? Do you play to your strengths and invest in what sustains you during periods of stress or uncertainty?
SocCap. Is your typical leadership style ‘coach and communicate’ or ‘command and control’? Do you have strong, trusting relationships within and outside your area? Are you a master at delegating down, across and up?
PerfCap. Do you spend your time wisely by assuming roles only you can play? Are you a change agent and do you drive your organisation forward? Are you setting the agenda or reacting to problems? Do you allocate the appropriate energy to setting strategy and leading the way versus daily tasks?
PsyCap. Do employees feel confident, optimistic and supported by the organisation? Are staff deeply engaged and do they ’own’ their self development?
SocCap. Do staff across units hold each other in the same high regard as their customers? Is little energy spent on internal politics? Do senior leaders ‘walk the talk’ and model company values? Is communication in all its forms timely and clear?
PerfCap. Is the organisation’s purpose clearly cascaded throughout the company? Are decisions made quickly and based on principles and data? Is it easy to get things done? Are processes aligned to strategic targets and reinforced by performance metrics and resource allocation?
PsyCap. Is the team confident, optimistic and highly motivated? Is the team resilient after setbacks and courageous in bringing novel ideas forward?
SocCap. Is mutual trust and respect readily apparent? Does the team regularly engage in unfiltered conflict around critical issues? Are problems and inappropriate behaviours confronted quickly? Do members communicate effectively with minimal politics?
PerfCap. Does the team set high performance expectations for itself? Is it easy to get things done? Are members aligned around specific goals? Do meetings begin with a clear purpose and conclude with actionable outcomes? Are poor performers held accountable?
...My Solutions
My GPS Executive Coaching© approach is at the centre of my success in working with clients to overcome challenges. Much like a global positioning device that guides drivers to their desired location, we begin by crystalising your end goal and work backwards from there to clarify the current situation and identify successful routes to reach your final destination. The aim is to build your PCQ© – PsyCap, SocCap or PerfCap – in a sustainable way so you are able to navigate future challenges as well.
Accurate and Evolving Representation
of the Landscape
Real-Time Support to Reach Destination
Clear and Inspiring
Insightful View of the Current Situation in Context
Clear and Inspiring
Insightful View of the Current Situation in Context
Real-Time Support to Reach Destination
Accurate and Evolving Representation
of the Landscape
The following case studies illustrate how I have applied my GPS Executive Coaching© approach to four particular challenges. If you want to learn more about how you could personally benefit, I would love to hear from you.
Building PCQ© in Trust
Destination. Trusting team: Visualisation of how a team with high levels of mutual trust would operate and its tangible impact on the business
Current Location. Team members’ awareness of the disconnect between the team’s current versus desired level of trust:
- Lack of confidence in one another’s reliability and dependability
- Poor understanding of differences in individual preferences, challenges, values or perspectives
- Belief that colleagues place their own self interests ahead of the group
- Little appreciation for others’ strengths
- Recurring behaviours that erode team trust such as poor communication or meeting etiquette
Navigation. Practical approach to instill mutual trust and improve team performance:
- Regularly engaging in productive, unfiltered conflict around critical issues
- Frequently tapping in to hold one another accountable for commitments and behaviours
- Establishing new ways of working that treat others with respect and promote collaboration
- Continuously reinforcing the impact of both constructive and toxic actions on team cohesion
- Concluding meetings with unambiguous, actionable and specific agreements around decisions
Environmental Map. Continuous feedback to monitor team’s progress toward its vision of trust and signal any actions that must be taken to halt destructive behaviours or encourage positive ones
Building PCQ© in Focus
Destination. Focused leader: A compelling blueprint of you as your best-self leader in terms of your unique purpose, contribution and way of working
Current Location. Self-awareness of the gaps between your present versus future self:
- Unwittingly putting others’ priorities first such as reading your emails first thing in the morning and too frequently throughout the day
- External triggers that rob your concentration and diminish well-being
- Repetitive behaviours and mindsets that fuel fire-fighting and concede control
- Time consuming tasks more appropriately delegated down, across or up
- Not aligning your team’s efforts with critical strategic priorities
Navigation. Leadership operating model to guide you to your destination:
- Adopting new micro habits such as email, mobile phone and meeting hygiene
- Protecting energy for long-term strategy-setting
- Creating time slots to build relationships that will pay future dividends by broadening your influence and leveraging your time
- Taking a portfolio optimisation approach to tasks in terms of yes/no, standards and timing
- Making simple environmental changes to drive mindset and habit change so you are not relying on willpower alone
Environmental Map. Real-time feedback to track progress toward your blueprint and alert any necessary changes to your leadership operating model
Building PCQ© in Alignment
Destination. Organisational alignment: A clear picture of what ‘10 out of 10’ would look like were your company’s vision and strategy lived on a day-to-day basis by all levels of the organisation
Current Location. Clear view of today’s critical areas of misalignment and their root cause:
- Leaders conspicuously, or even subtly, out of step with one another
- Staff left to fight battles with their colleagues in other departments
- Ambiguous decision-making and frequently revisiting prior agreements
- Tolerance of behaviours that violate company values
- Poor cross-functional relationships
Navigation. Gameplan for driving your organisation to a destination of healthy alignment:
- Leaders rallying around a common purpose and communicating consistent messages
- Clearly specifying the company’s reason for existence, behavioural values, what it does and who does what
- Resolutely managing these aspects of clarity through words and actions
- Leaders at all levels employing a non-bureaucratic process for setting goals and reviewing progress with employees
- Employees able to articulate and abide by the organisation’s purpose, values, priorities and goals
Environmental Map. Feedback mechanisms to monitor your organisation’s health in terms of alignment and identify areas for improvement
Building PCQ© in Personal Meaning
Destination. Personal meaning: Reimagination of your life with a rewarding, purpose-led future
Current Location. Insight into how your daily decisions and actions are currently detached from your life’s purpose and the cause and effects of this misalignment:
- Feeling unfulfilled and struggling to fit in what or who really matters to you
- Meagre daily doses of what brings you joy and uses your signature strengths
- Declining engagement at work and little sense of accomplishment
- Poor self-confidence and self-esteem
- Low resilience and difficulty recovering from negative events
Navigation. Charting a course to reestablish meaning in your life:
- Characterising the specific mix of values that constitute your purpose – achievement, freedom, stability or others
- Translating how to make your values and purpose a tangible part of your life and your work
- Taking action on a daily basis to pursue your purpose
- Replacing harmful mindsets and habits with constructive ones and adding new supports to embed and reinforce them
- Making the right tradeoffs in the moment to protect time and energy for long-term needs and personal growth
Environmental Map. Personal radar system to detect when you are at odds with your authentic self and get you back on course